
Programs at St. Mary's


Retreats for individuals and groups. Retreats may be developed and led by St. Mary’s clergy and staff for reflection during the church year. In addition, space can be made available for small groups longing for quiet time in the midst of an urban environment.

Spiritual companioning workshops. In a supportive environment, participants learn how to practice a ministry of presence wherever you are. This pre-requisite for volunteering at St. Mary’s helps individuals become aware of the need for healthy boundaries as they give of themselves in service to others. Available in half-day and full-day workshops.

Summer programs for children and youth. This summer various youth groups are adopting the pantry for 1 day or 1 week.  Reflection and worship are offered as part of this program.



Food Pantry. Our food pantry ministry provides space for an active and loving presence, touching individuals and families who, for whatever reason, find themselves without enough food to eat. Click here to learn more.

Christmas Ministry. For our food pantry visitors to have the opportunity to shop for loved ones for Christmas.

Residential ministry. St. Mary’s is launching a new program for ministers in residence. These individuals will live in community on our campus, participate in the worship and service life of St. Mary’s and engage in outreach serving in other urban settings. Participants may include:

  • Lay persons discerning a call to ordained or lay urban ministry;
  • Seminarians taking a gap year in their studies or at the conclusion of study;
  • Clinical Pastoral Education students; or
  • Clergy discerning or called to urban ministry. 

Those interested should contact our senior pastor, the Rev. Canon Beth Tjoflat.

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  • 1924 N. Laura Street
  • Jacksonville, FL 32206
  • (904) 354-5075